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Information about Company - Satellite TV & Internet & Cyber Cafe in Almaty and Kazakhstan

Satellite TV & Internet & Cyber Cafe in Almaty and Kazakhstan
More than 300 channels without a user's payment

Information about Company
The Number of the interested persons to have a system for receiving satellite TV at the last year-two begin rapidly grow. Than is explained so suddenly awaken in people Kazakhstan interest to given area to communications?

On Our glance, several reasons:

The quick reduction of the overall value given "pleasures", conditioned large supply of the cheap equipment, wholly sufficient for receiving new powerful satellites!

The possibility to peer into beautiful quality (both picture, and sound) of the program of the certain themes(the sport, news, music, films and etc.). As well as resulting thence premises of the creation fashionable today home movie-theatre.

You have get prettier possibility for study practically any foreign language.

As well as bore all advertisement on all national channels and all above enumerated premieres give all be conceived that either as where look.

At present, the number of the satellite channels grows simply rapidly - are started new satellites with mass new and powerful transmitters, concern with not used earlier transmitters on old satellite.

Our not so long ago founded company, but if be more exactly that in 2000, basically its composition ed from people, which, it is enough are long ago submitted for Kazakhstan market of the satellite television and radio mechanics. Our employees stood beside headwaters of the development of the spreading the satellite television in Kazakhstan!

On given moment we concern with the supply/installation/adjustment and service system support of the satellite television, We work stright with supplier and so our price competitive and acceptable even for the most choosy client!

Presence in our command skilled service engineer, guarantees qualitative service, and service support of the equipment delivered and installed by us!

We pleased any interested client and with joy shall advise You on each interesting You question!

Respectfully yours company "SputTV"!

Republic of Kazakhstan,
Almaty city, Nauryzbai Batyr st., 122, (Electron Shop)
Phone., Fax: +7 3272 568800
Mobile: +7 333 2336607
all rights reserved, 2005(c)

Создание сайта: «Веб студия 4Design»

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